To contribute towards a more Effective, Efficient, Collaborative, Inclusive, Integrated and Accessible Process Control Industry through on-demand COMOS Design Assistant Services


Our current mission is to be the best COMOS implementers in the African Process Control Industry with an aim of improving our   “3E-6-Star Individualized Customer Experience”


Customer Centricity

Our customers are the reason we do what we do and are therefore at the heart of our business. We will strive to offer unmatched and continuously improved ways in which we resolve our customers’ Problems.

Our People

We depend on one another and do our best to deliver on our promise. We are determined to foster kindred culture that allows us to pick each other up and walk our journey together, leaving no one behind.

Inspiring Excellence

We are committed to becoming the best at what we do. That is, nurturing and inspiring excellence from within and translating that into a well-designed process, and experience for our customers.

Boundaryless Collaboration

We will continuously lower the barriers of all-inclusive value creating opportunities by leveraging on worldwide resources and technologies which will enable us to find creative new ways to resolve our customer problems.

Experimenting & Falling Forward

We will continuously experiment with new ideas, and embrace “Falling-Forward-Sooner”, so that we may learn and reach for success sooner.

Continuous Improvement

We will always find ways to be better than what we were yesterday. We are determined to create a rigorous environment where our partners will stretch beyond their comfort zones to realize their full potential and their dreams.


3E Group Culture is based on the following 3 key pillars


We shall be trustworthy, loyal, fair, and sincere to our customers, partners, and our selves.


We are not constrained by our current state


We remain responsible, answerable, and accountable for all our duties and our promises.


We continuously seek to improve our customers Individualised Customer Experience by;

Communicating with our customers

Offering solutions based on Customers Jobs-to-be-Done, Circumstances and Problems faced by our customers

Delivering on our promises

Delivering on services and products on time

Ensuring our customers are serviced and supported by qualified personnel

Investing on improving the ways we service our customers.
